1st grade Newsletter

First Grade Newsletter

Week of February 18, 2020


We will begin reading the story Hunter’s Money Jar. Students will understand who is telling the story by using details.  

Please remember the reading homework is 15 minutes of reading five days a week. It is very important to remember to log your child’s reading minutes and turn in the monthly reading log at the end of each month.


This week our phonics review sounds will be: i_e (for example in the word bike), wh, ch, tch and ph.

Phonics Words to Practice

Attached is a list of words for the week that apply to the skill we are working on. Keep this list at home in the same place and make a collection of these lists to continue practicing reading and spelling these words with your child to improve reading fluency. 

Tricky Words of the Month

are, our, go, said, put, into, tree, wear, want, where, were, my, good


We will begin Topic 9 on comparing two-digit numbers. Students will understand 1 more, 1 less, 10 more and 10 less.  They will make numbers on a hundred chart and compare numbers using symbols (<, > and =).

Thank you for remembering that math homework attached to the newsletter is due the Friday of that week. Please make sure your child’s name is on it when you turn it in.  


On the morning of Friday, February 21st the 1st graders will be going to the high school for the FFA petting zoo .  No permission slip is needed as this is an in-district field trip.