1st grade Newsletter

First Grade Newsletter

Week of September 16, 2019


Please remember that the reading homework is 15 minutes of reading five days a week.  When reading a fiction book, ask these questions: who is the main character, what is the setting, can you tell me what happened in the beginning, middle and end?


This week our phonics review sounds will be: d, l/ll h and o. 

Phonics Words to Practice

cot,  dog dot, fog, hot, log, lot, nod, not, pot

Tricky Words of the Week

was, I, look


We will begin Topic 3 in Math- Fluently add and subtract within 10.

  Thank you for remembering that math homework attached to the newsletter is due the Friday of that week. 


Thank you to everyone who attended Open House!  The kids were so excited to share what they have been doing in 1st grade!

If you didn’t get a chance to sign up for parent/teacher conferences, please make sure to contact your child’s teacher as soon as possible to do so.