image of GORT students

Girls on the Run (GOTR) stands tall as a beacon of empowerment and self-discovery for girls! At one of the club meetings the girls broke down the acronym: HEART - Help others, Encourage others, Really listen to you, and Treats you with kindness.

GOTR isn't just about running; it's about instilling values that extend far beyond the track. As the girls and coaches gathered in the GES gymnasium, their excitement was contagious! They were not just there to run; they were there to learn, grow and support each other.

The session began with a discussion on the acronym, HEART, emphasizing the importance of empathy, support and kindness in all aspects of life. Through interactive activities and discussion, the girls explored different ways they could describe HEART through actions.

image of student runningThen came the highlight of the club meeting: the relay race. This was no ordinary race. It was a race that incorporated the principles of HEART. Each leg of the relay represented a different aspect of the acronym, reinforcing the values that are at the core of GOTR. Throughout the race the girls cheered on their teammates, offering words of encouragement and support. There was a sense of camaraderie and unity that was truly inspiring.

But the journey doesn't end here. In just a few weeks, these girls will take on their biggest challenge yet: a 5k race at Hopkins Park on May 18. With the support of their coaches, mentors, and each other, they will cross that finish line with strength, determination and a whole lot of heart.

In a society that often tells girls to compete with each other, Girls on the Run reminds us of the power of collaboration, empathy and kindness. It's not about who finishes first; it's about lifting each other up and crossing the finish line together!