Social Emotional Resources
Stacy Catalano
Social Worker
Phone: (815) 784 -5222 ext. 4249
Email: scatalano@gkschools.org
Jennifer Franz
Social Worker
Phone: (815) 784 -5222 ext. 4157
Email: jfranz@gkschools.org
Courtney Royer
Phone: (815) 784 -5222 ext. 1741
Email: croyer@gkschools.org
Linked here are short articles that focus on various social, emotional and behavioral topics. These can be viewed for additional information or to gain some insight into concerns that school aged children face.Each handout is authored or coauthored by an expert on the topic, with many of the authors being leading researchers in their fields. In addition to providing practical and evidence-based interventions and supports, each handout recommends additional resources,such as books or websites. on the handout's topic.