student in archery club

The energy after spring break is always blooming with joy, but there's a different kind of excitement brewing in the halls of Genoa-Kingston Middle School. It's the time of year  when the archery club springs into action!

Established in 2013 by Diane Jennings and Tracy Leitsch, the archery club traces its origins to the cultural phenomenon ignited by the "Hunger Games" movie series. Inspired by the characters like Katniss Everdeen, a group of students approached Mrs. Jennings about starting an archery club. What started as a movie spark quickly evolved into a thriving extracurricular activity that continues to captivate young minds year after year!

The club takes a bus to the local archery club, Kishwaukee Archers, where students learn the art and discipline of archery. Safety takes precedence from the very beginning, with instructors going over the rules and protocols of the sport. Under the guidance of experienced mentors through the Kishwaukee Archers, students are introduced to the fundamentals of proper bow and arrow techniques within the indoor space.

The club boasts a roster of 25 students, each eager to learn and embrace the challenges that archery presents. At the end of the six week program a cookout is held for the students' families and serves as a showcase of their achievement!

As arrows fly and targets are met, it becomes clear that the middle school archery club is more than just an extracurricular activity—it's a journey that empowers students to aim high, both on and off the archery range!